Curator: Anna Kempa Gąsior
The exhibition is a call to travel into extra-material, angelic, demonic, ultimate, visionary worlds, worlds of the imagination, where catastrophism and horror are inscribed in the condition of human inner reality, in the same way as love, heaven and life. In the space-time of the finite, we encounter the infinite within us. It is an experimental process, the pictorial language dreams awake fleeting states of mind, incomprehensible to ourselves, but grasped by abstraction – accessible.
Marta Baran

(grafika, pastele, 30/40, 2017)

(płótno, olejne, 90/150, 2018)

(płótno, olejne, 90/150, 2018

(płótno, olejne, 90/140, 2022)
Marta Baran – graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków. In July 2018, she passed the final exam in painting with a perfect score and obtained the “Certificate of Postgraduate Studies in Painting”. From a theoretical point of view, she finds herself in the area of surrealism and expressionist abstractionism. Her professional work and her own path have shaped her psychoanalytical thinking, including her curiosity about the unconscious, imagination and dreams. The tool of her work is the application of paint, smearing, splattering, and she often uses rubbing the canvas and uncovering more layers.