Exhibition of photographs by students of the Secondary School of Visual Arts ZSAP in Tarnowskie Góry.
Authors of the photographs: Agnieszka Górecka, Alicja Szopa, Emilia Nowak, Gabriela Bolacka, Kinga Miczka i Sebastian Preuss
“Our exhibition is about moments. By dedicating ourselves to moments, they have helped us to discover, to remember, to imagine and at the same time to create their story growing up in the setting of our subjective views of the world. They are an unlimited form of expression for us, a personal way of finding a part of ourselves in them and our own interpretation of the events they bring with them. By photographing, we share stories, talk and communicate experiences through images, creating the need to stay with them for a longer time, to give ourselves over to the moments, despite their transience. Each created concept is a personal reference, a form of expression about moments to which we have attached different values. By opening the exhibition, we wanted you to enter a world full of memories, nostalgia, artistic expression painted with creations of the imagination, a place full of sentiment and tenderness. Let’s put ourselves together in the hands of “Moments’ and rediscover them.”