Temporary exhibition 2024

Monika Ślósarczyk “Miscellaneous”

Exhibition from the series "Expression of the Imagination"
May 25 - June 21, 2024

Monika Ślósarczyk – graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Kraków with a degree in easel painting in Jan Szancenbach’s studio and an annex in Roman Banaszewski’s book and typography studio. In addition to easel painting, she deals with artistic interior decoration – ceramic mosaics, stuccowork, frescoes, bas-reliefs, etc. She has participated in about 100 collective exhibitions. She has participated in about 100 group exhibitions and 110 individual ones. In addition, she is the creator of happenings. She has participated in many national and international plein-air painting workshops. Her works can be seen, among others, in the “Wierzynek” restaurant in Kraków, Villa Dycjusza (restoration of the frescoes of the Fireplace Room in cooperation with a conservator and historian) in Kraków, the ethnohut “Topolej” in Goleszów, the “Goral” hotel in Szczyrk, the “Korbasowy Dwor” inn in Cieszyn. In the municipality of Lobez, she renovated the memorial to Polish and Soviet soldiers, the destroyed post-German cross and the bell tower in Zajezierz.

Monika Ślósarczyk podpierająca głowę dłonią.


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