Another installment of the “Frame Awareness” series, this time devoted to documentary photography. The topic was taken up by 16 photographers, members of ZPAF Silesia Region, giving it their individual features.
EXHIBITION CURATOR: Arkadiusz Ławrywianiec
PHOTOGRAPHERS: Łukasz Cyrus, Ryszard Czernow, Iwona Germanek, Krzysztof Gołuch, Marcin Górski, Waldemar Jama, Ireneusz Kaźmierczak, Arkadiusz Ławrywianiec, Beata Mendrek, Jowita Mormul, Katarzyna Pawlikowska, Bolesław Stachow, Barbara Szewczyk-Szelka, Krzysztof Szlapa, Janusz Wojcieszak, Magdalena Zaton-Mikołajczak
The exhibition “Documentary Photography” is the third installment of the exhibitions in the series ” Frame Awareness”. The first one we showed in 2019 titled “Body Awareness”, the next one “Colorful Portrait” in 2020.
Documentary photography is a difficult photographic genre. It requires great commitment on the part of the author, devoting a lot of time sometimes even many years. Documentary is often confused with photojournalism. However, we must remember that in the shortest possible form, a reportage is a record of an event, where we must act quickly, often relying on intuition. In a documentary the basis is time, which allows us to plan and think about our work. Documentary photography allows us to record the changes taking place in a given space, e.g. a city, region or country; these changes may be of a political, religious, environmental, technological nature, etc.
In the latest edition of the exhibition from the series ‘Frame Awareness’, I proposed the subject of documentary photography and at the same time asked the authors to work on the material for at least a few months. The result is extraordinary. Sixteen people, sixteen subjects, viewpoints and methods of implementation. From extremely personal confessions, through humanistic and classical approaches to the subject, to the recording of a change in the state of a glacier. This diversity is the great strength of this exhibition.
I invite you to watch and reflect.
Arkadiusz Ławrywianiec
Photos: Renata Głuszek