“My creative work is an attempt to record autobiographical events. Using my photographs, I transfer objects and fragments of various spaces onto the canvas, creating a single, multi-layered image out of them. One could say that because of the subject matter it is an extension of the tradition of still life painting. However, the painted objects-events are nomads, captured in their perpetual transformation, which do not exist but happen. To illustrate a particular object is to look for common points with other fragments registered in photographs, and to follow the subsequent traces of events, somewhat like a Derridean différance or a Deleuzian rhizome. The whole process of painting stems from the conclusion that the perceived world is continuous, plural, mobile, borderless and multifaceted, and that the photorealistic reproduction of its individual, frozen frames/shots paradoxically may have little to do with the true experience of reality. The forms recorded on the plane of the canvas can be compared to eternally expanding entities; unpredictable and living organisms, using an incomprehensible code, forming harmonious systems and displaying symbiotic properties. Originally artificial, man-made objects begin to resemble biological structures. Reproduced shapes grow hair, expose their insides, gain a glassy, fleshy and amorphous structure; they begin to live a life of their own.”
Marta Czarnecka-Tokarz (born June 25, 1991) – lives and works in Tarnowskie Góry. In 2015 she obtained a Master’s degree with distinction in the painting studio of Prof. Ireneusz Walczak. In 2021 she received the title of Doctor of Fine Arts. The exhibition presented at the Silesian Culture Centre presents, to a large extent, paintings that are part of her doctoral thesis, i.e. a component of a series of painting works entitled: “Symbiotic Objects-Events”.

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